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Application Note - Connections for Netware 96.1

Issue 2 - 13/12/96

This document provides the latest information currently available on the status of the various components included on the Connections for Netware 96.1 CD. This document includes all of the details described in Connections for Netware 96.1 - August Update / Issue 1 as well as any issues that have been addressed since then.

Details of the new version "Connections for Netware 96.2" are also included.

This document covers the following :-

  1. ISDN Services for Netware Connect
  2. ISDN Services for Netware MultiProtocol Router
  3. WAN Services for Netware
  4. Packet Blaster Driver
  5. Miscellaneous Problems with Other EICON/Novell Products
  6. General Netware Issues Including Latest Patch List
  7. * NEW * Connections for Netware 96.2 and Intranet Ware


1. ISDN Services for Netware Connect

Current Version v2.00 (96.1 CD)

Fix Version NONE

Recommended Version v2.00 (96.1 CD)

Current Issues / Problems :-

a. Netware Connect Version Problems

ISDN Services for Netware Connect is an add-on which permits the use of Netware Connect over ISDN with EICON/Diehl adapters. Installing ISDN Services for Netware Connect updates the version of Novell's Netware Connect. Therefore please be aware of the following :-

The current version of Netware Connect is v2.0.29. Adding ISDN Services for Netware Connect from the Connections for Netware 96.1 CD to a Netware Server with Netware Connect 2.0 installed should ensure you have this version. However problems can occur. Therefore to ensure that customers have the correct version please do the following :-

Connect V2.0.29 Netware Connect

ISDN4NWC V2.00 ISDN Services for Netware Connect 2.0

PPPTSM.NLM 181,461 04-26-96 4:44p

PPPRNS.LAN 35,880 04-11-96 11:52a

Verifying the above will ensure that you are using the correct version of Netware Connect.

Why must these checks be carried out ?

These checks must be carried out as Novell have issued patches to Netware Connect 2.0 which bring the revision up to v2.0.28. ISDN Services for Netware Connect upgrades the version of Netware Connect to v2.0.29. However v2.0.28 despite being an earlier version contains files that are newer than v2.0.29. If you thus have v2.0.28 installed and you install ISDN Services for Netware Connect the files PPPTSM.NLM and PPPRNS.LAN are not updated.

Therefore it is thus imperative that you check the dates of the file as mentioned above. The actual 'rogue' files in V2.0.28 are :-

PPPTSM.NLM 181,493 05-09-96 1:59p

PPPRNS.LAN 36,232 05-10-96 9:22a

Please be careful with this since PPPTSM.NLM and PPPRNS.NLM contained within V2.0.29 contain VITAL ISDN code components which are mandatory for the correct functioning of the ISDN support within Netware Connect.

What is the Solution ?

The short-term solution is to replace the two aforementioned files in v2.0.28 with the files in v2.0.29. Novell is aware of the problem and will correct it in the next patch releases.

Obviously this is an unwieldy process but Call Centre Representatives should always follow the 2 steps outlined above to ensure that customers are utilising the correct version.

c. Initial Configuration of NetWare Connect:

The initial configuration of Netware Connect involves running LOAD NWCCON.

One is then offered the option to let Netware Connect to help you with the set-up. At this stage do the following :-

After completing the configuration as per the 'Installation and Configuration Guide' please then ensure that the PPPRNS Service is enabled using NWCCON. This allows remote clients to dial in over PPP and use either IPX or IP protocols. To enable this option please do the following :-

ISDN Number Usage on the Netware Connect Server.

Netware Connect in conjunction with ISDN Services for Netware Connect makes use of an ISDN Interface(s) for clients to dial into. You may or may not have to assign an actual ISDN number to this interface for correct operation.

To configure / check if an ISDN number is being used on the interface please do the following :-

When should it be left blank ?


When should it be filled in ?

In the event that the customer is using Netware MPR and Netware Connect together on the same server they will have to associate an ISDN number with each. Thus one would assign a separate ISDN number to each of the Netware MPR and Netware Connect interfaces. (If the PTT Switch does not pass on the Called Party Number then the customer will be required to ask their PTT to enable this service.)

e. Using Diva 95 to connect to Netware Connect.

Within Windows 95 Dial Up Networking there is an option to use a ServerType of Netware Connect for your connection. This option is only for use with Asynchronous connections to Netware Connect. If you wish to make a connection from Diva 95 to a Netware Connect server over ISDN please do the following.

Do not choose NRN : Netware Connect as the Server Type. This NRN option is for Asynchronous connections only.

You should now be able to make a PPP connection from Diva 95 to the Netware Connect Server over ISDN.

Using Netware Connect and Netware for SAA on the same server.

Currently installing these together on a Netware Server causes a crash within INETCFG. This has been replicated at both a customer site and in the EICON London Laboratory.

At the customer site the following have been installed :-



NW Connect 2.0 from Novell


NW SAA 2.0


The following then causes the problem :-

The SERVER ABENDS with the following message :-

General Protection Processor Exception (Error Code 0000 0000)

OS Version : Novell Netware 3.12 (2 user) 18/12/93

Running Process : MPR Console 0 Process

EIP : 00CA419E

Stack : .. ..........................................

Before the error occurs the console shows that the Server was loading ECX25CFG.NLM. This causes ECINIMGR.NLM and ECRESMGR.NLM to be auto-loaded. The Server Abend then occurs.

This has been replicated in the CSG LAB.

Solution ?

Novell have developed a fix for this problem. The problem lies with a conflicting version of INETCFG. The fix will be available at the start of November from Novell. It will be called PTF v2.0.30 for Netware Connect. Please check the Novell Web Site / Novell Compuserve Forum for details of this fix.



2. ISDN Services for Netware MultiProtocol Router

Current Version v1.03 (96.1 CD)

Fix Version v1.03a

Recommended Version v1.03a (No SPX Spoofing Required)

v1.01 (SPX Spoofing Required)

Current Issues / Problems :-

Where do I get the newer v1.03a do and what does it fix ?

The fix is contained within IMPR103A.EXE. It contains updates to international D-channel protocols and drivers. It can be applied to ISDN Services for MPR v1.01 and v1.03, thus updating the version to v1.03a.

It can be obtained by contacting EICON Customer Services.

Note :- This is a self extracting file. Please backup the SYSTEM directory first and then apply the fix with IMPR103A.EXE -d.

This patch corrects the following problems :-

Mandatory Information Element missing

To Spoof or not to Spoof !

Customers must be made aware that the versions 1.03 and v1.03a do not have an SPX Spoofing option. Instead they use SPX Disabling Technology. Customers installing from the older MPR Packet Blaster ISDN 3.0 product (ISDN Services for MPR v1.01) will have SPX Spoofing within this version. Upgrading to v1.03 or v1.03a from v1.01 will remove this SPX Spoofing option. So please be aware of this.

A new release with SPX Spoofing included is currently in development. It will be known as ..

ISDN Services for Netware MPR 1.04

This will be available in Connections 96.2 under the new name of ISDN Driver for Netware MPR 1.04.

Please be aware that the IGATE component for Remote Access is no longer available is this new version. Remote Access support is via Netware Connect only.


3. WAN Services for Netware

Current Version v3r2a (96.1 CD)

Fix Version NONE

Recommended Version v3r2a (96.1 CD)

Current Issues / Problems :-

Using Netware for SAA and Netware Connect on the same server.

Currently installing both of these on a Netware Server causes a crash within INETCFG. This has been replicated at both a customer site and in the lab.

At the customer site the following have been installed :-



NW Connect 2.0 from Novell


NW SAA 2.0


The following then causes the problem :-

The SERVER ABENDS with the following message :-

General Protection Processor Exception (Error Code 0000 0000)

OS Version : Novell Netware 3.12 (2 user) 18/12/93

Running Process : MPR Console 0 Process

EIP : 00CA419E

Stack : .. ..........................................

Before the error occurs the console shows that the Server was loading ECX25CFG.NLM. This causes ECINIMGR.NLM and ECRESMGR.NLM to be auto-loaded. The Server Abend then occurs.

This has been replicated in the CSG LAB.

Solution ?

Novell have developed a fix for this problem. The problem lies with a conflicting version of INETCFG. The fix will be available at the start of November from Novell. It will be called PTF v2.0.30 for Netware Connect. Please check the Novell Web Site / Novell Compuserve Forum for details of this fix.




4. Packet Blaster Driver

Current Version v1r21 (96.1 CD)

Fix Version NONE

Recommended Version v1r21 (96.1 CD)

Current Issues / Problems :- NONE


5. Miscellaneous Problems with Novell/EICON Products Released Prior to Connections for Netware 96.1.

a. MPR PacketBlaster Advantage 3.0 and Lotus Notes 4.1

Currently installing both of these causes a crash as NLMs from these products are using the 'same variables'.

This occurred in a Netware 4.10 environment where MPR PB Advantage 3.0 and Lotus Notes 4.1 (NLM version) were installed. The relevant NLMs causing the 'clash' are ECLOGMGR.NLM from EICON and LIBNOTES.NLM from Lotus

The following error message occurs when Lotus Notes attempts to load.

Error :-

Symbol Already Defined --- Symbol "Log Event"

Solution ?

The fix file NOV00318.ZIP is available on the EICON Europe BBS under section 5, Connections Products. The ZIP file contains various NLMs which must be copied into the SYSTEM directory of the Netware Server concerned. (Please make sure to change the attributes of the existing files in the SYSTEM directory before the copy, otherwise the copy will fail).

This fix will be included in the newer software available in Connections for Netware 96.2.

b. WAN Services for Netware v3r2 and X25 over an ISDN D Channel

There is a problem with the TEI value configured for the S51 card in INETCFG. The TEI parameter value in INETCFG is ignored. Instead a TEI of 0 will always be used.

This problem occurred when a customer was attempting to connect from Netware for SAA 2.0 to a host with an X25/QLLC connection over the ISDN D Channel. Trace analysis shows that an X25 RESTART is not performed while the TEI value is set to 0.

There is a fix available so that the TEI value set for the card using INETCFG will be used. This thus permits the correct functioning of X25 over the ISDN D Channel.

Solution ?

The fix file WNT00298.ZIP is available on the EICON Europe BBS under section 4, Wan Services Products. The ZIP file contains CONVERT.NLM which should be copied over the existing CONVERT.NLM. (Please back-up the original CONVERT.NLM first).

This fix will be included in the newer software available in Connections for Netware 96.2.


6. General Netware Issues Including Latest Patch List

a. Installation Documentation Error

On the Connections for Netware CD 96.1 the accompanying CD Booklet describes the initial installation process on Page 5.

It advises you to install from D:\ instead of the correct source of D: i.e. do not use the \ (backslash) option. This only effects Netware 3.x Servers.

Latest Novell Patches

The latest Novell products' minimum patch list is available via :-

LIBUP8 is mandatory !!!!!!

When installing any of the products from the Connection for Netware CD 96.1 you must ENSURE that LIBUP8 has been applied. This is a set of Novell patches which is mandatory when using Connections for Netware software. It must be applied to both Netware 3.1x and Netware 4.10 servers.

(Inside the CD itself there is a Yellow Release Note which tells you that you must apply LIBUP8.)

How does the problem manifest itself ?

On a Netware 3.12 Server to install Connections for Netware software you do the following :-

At this stage it will load PINSTALL.NLM from D: and then autoload NWSNUT.NLM and NUT.NLM. This will cause an error to be generated which prevents you from proceeding with the install. The actual error which occurred was :-

NLM Error - 4.0-47 : This NLM Contains No Messages

Unable to Initialise NUT. Abort Installation.

Netware for SAA, Netware Connect and MPR on the same Server

If customers require the coexistence of any of the following; Netware Connect, MPR or Netware for SAA on the same Netware Server then they should contact EICON London for further information.

7. * NEW * Connections for Netware 96.2 and IntranetWare

IntranetWare is the latest revision of the Novell operating system. IntranetWare has Netware 4.11 and MPR 3.1 included. By Q2/97 Netware Connect will also be bundled with Intranet Ware.

EICON are also releasing a new version of Connections called Connections for Netware 96.2. This will provide full support for Intranet Ware as well as the existing Netware 3.12 and Netware 4.10 installed base. It will be available in December.

The latest versions of the Novell WAN products namely MPR 3.1, Netware Connect 2.0 and Netware for SAA 2.2 (Golden Gate) will all be supported via Connections for Netware 96.2. Support for MPR 3.0 and Netware for SAA 2.0 will still be provided via Connections for Netware 96.2 but EICON strongly recommend that customers upgrade to the latest version of the Novell products they are using.

The components of Connections for Netware have been renamed. The name changes are :-

Please feel free to contact EICON Customer Services if you have any queries.


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